為什麼選擇在 Coffee 101學手沖 Why learn pour-over at 101?








  1. 誰和你一起體驗 - 1人起可選擇私人手沖課程 **
  2. 沖煮的咖啡豆- 我們有25款精品咖啡豆可供選擇*
  3. 沖煮器材- 帶同你私人器材作完全客製化的手沖咨詢 或
  4. 從我們的三款手沖壺中挑選
  5. 其他附加的手沖器材


1 workshop.

2 kinds of filter paper.

3 brewers.

7 pieces of coffee equipment.

25 kinds of coffee beans.

Infinite possibilities with recipes and flavours. 

We build the workshop around you, your equipment and your flavour preferences. Fully customisable, flexible and tailored, you can build your own pour-over workshop by choosing :

  1. who you want to learn with - your pour-over workshop can be a private session upon request
  2. what beans to use -  from 20+ different coffees we carry*;
  3. to bring your own equipment for a customised brewing-at-home consultation or;
  4. a brewer from our collection to try out
  5. different add-on equipments/ recipes